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Kit Mix #169: Janne "J"

"The Ethos of Cold Blow"

Wrap yourself around me, strange girl. When we play in the ruby dusk on a 2nd life nude beach in the paraworld. Dark energy powers our infophysix and as we play, the minus men with their muscles listen over the ocean. I feel alpha emotion when I make eye contact with you. I hope it was not all a dream.

Selected and mixed by the Helsinki based co-founder Janne "J", The Ethos of Cold Blow sweeps through a selection of early influences and newer discoveries from the world of sounds that the label cohabits.

Actress: Rap
Violet Eves: Listen Over The Ocean
Turquoise Summers: Cuando Tocamos
情報デスクVIRTUAL: XX ''RUBY DUSK ON A 2ND LIFE NUDE BEACH'' :yin_yang: . . . の生活・・・「ロベルタ」
Dopplereffekt: Infophysix
Mr Flagio: Take A Chance
Polygamy Boys: Minus Man
Body Party: Muscles / Theme
Legowelt: Strange Girl
Tim Tetlow: Alpha Emotion
Actress: Iwaad
The Other People Place: Eye Contact
B From E: Dark Energy
Ex-Terrestrial: Paraworld
情報デスクVIRTUAL: XX ''RUBY DUSK ON A 2ND LIFE NUDE BEACH'' :yin_yang: . . . の生活・・・「ロベルタ」

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